Materials Experience: Fundamentals of Materials and Design

Dit boek is een must voor iedereen die werkt in het gebied van materialen en ontwerp:

Materials Experience: Fundamentals of Materials and Design is a compilation of essential new reading for anyone whose work crosses the wide field of materials and design.

edited by elvin karana, owain pedgley, and valentina rognoli

foreword by mike ashby

Het wordt uitgegeven bij Elsevier op 25 november 2013 :  zie hier.

So much has been achieved and discussed in the materials and design domain in the last decade; some of which has found its place in design practice and design education, whilst some has yet to come to the fore and remains at a level of noteworthy points to be considered for the future of our societies and material possessions. This book presents a panorama of completed works and on-going discussions that are shaping, or are predicted to shape, our materiality, the selection of materials for products, and our understanding and appreciation of product materials. Presently we are witnessing the birth of a new body of knowledge termed ‘materials experience’, which systematically explores not only how people react to the varied physical material properties of things, but also to the diverse expertise that designers must possess if they are to positively influence people’s material reactions.

Materials Experience: Fundamentals of Materials and Design is a compilation of essential new reading for anyone whose work crosses the wide field of materials and design.

“When the design focus shifts from ‘products’ to ‘interactions’, materials must be considered (also) as ‘experience’. This book is a very useful contribution to attend to the experiential side of materials.”

– Ezio Manzini

with the contributions of:

Aart van Bezooyen / Blaine Brownell / Carlo Vezzoli / Dan Van Den Ende / Daniel Schodek / David Bramston / Eddie Norman / Elaine Ng Yan Ling / Elvin Karana / Erik Tempelman / Hendrik Schifferstein / Hengfeng Zuo / Jakki Dehn / Jonathan Chapman / Jonathon Allen / Julian Vincent / Kevin Edwards / Lisa Wastiels / Luigi De Nardo / Marc De Vries / Marinella Levi / Mark Jones / Neil Maycroft / Owain Pedgley / Paul Hekkert / Philip Howes / Prabhu Kandachar / Rob Thompson / Sascha Peters / Sybrand van der Zwaag / Tony Hope / Valentina Rognoli / Wilhelm Albert (Pim) Groen / Zoe Laughlin

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